Plural tone tags
Made by on discord, dm to suggest other tone tags to add to this list.
Please say why/if you're dming me in the first message you send to me, thank you!This is a big list of tone tags overall, but this carrd is mainly focused on plural tone tags, or is meant to be. :P
This carrd is not beginner friendly. To clarify, this is not an introduction on how to use tone tags, or what plurality is.This carrd assumes you understand how to use tone tags, and understand the plural terms used in this carrd and what they're used for without any explanation from me.There are other resources online to find out how to use tone tags, etc, so please use those if you're new to using tone tags or new to finding out about plurality / multiplicity.
You can refer to external resources below
Standard tone tags
Warning: these aren't listed in any particular order, since these aren't the main focus of this carrdCommon tone tags/ot = Off Topic
/npa = Not Passive Aggressive
/nav = Not A Vent
/nay = Not At You
/nf = Not Forced
/gen or /g = Genuine
/genq or /gq = Genuine Question
/j = Joking
/hj = Half Joking
/s or /sar = Sarcastic
/srs = Serious
/hsrs = Half Serious
/p or /plat = Platonic
/r or /rom = Romantic
/l, /ly or /lyr = Lyrics
/t = Teasing
/nm = Not Mad (or upset)
/pc or /pos = Positive connotation
/nc or /neg = Negative connotation
/neu = Neutral connotation
/lh = Lighthearted
/nbr = Not Being Rude
/ex = Exaggeration
Other common tone tags/md = Melodramatic
/np = No Pressure
/aff = Affectionate
/op = Optional
/tc, /ti or /tic = Typing a tic
/ref = Reference
/lu = Little Upset
/nbh = Nobody Here
/rh, /rt or /rhq = Rhetorical Question
/gens or /gs = Genuine Suggestion
/sx or /x = Sexual Intent
/nsx or /nx = Non Sexual Intent
/th = Threat
/v = Violent
/q = Quote
/ij = Inside Joke
/info = Information
/cj = Coping Joke
/nmay = Not Mad At You
Some others/cel = Celebratory
/c = Copypasta
/fu = Furious
/ny = Not Yelling
/co or /cf = Comforting
/m = Metaphorically
/li or /lit = Literally
/nsb = Not Subtweeting
/hyp = Hyperbole
/cb = Clickbait
/f = Fake
/ay = At You
/sym = Sympathetic
/b = Bitter
/ci = Caring Intent
/apa = Apathetic
/ncm = Not Comparing
/fam = Familial
/jov = Jokingly Overreacting
Plural tone tags
Warning: these aren't in any particular order, with many various of the same tone tags because the system community vibesHeadspace/Outerworld tone tags/iw = Innerworld
/hsp = Headspace
/ow = Outerworld
/ew = External World
/ms = Meatspace
/physical, /phys or /ph = Physical World
Memories/exo or /exm = Exomemories
/psd or psdo = Pseudomemories
/bm or /bdm = Body Memories
/int = Intratrauma/Intramemories
/intt = intratrauma
/intm = intramemories
System/nas = Not A System
/nsys = Not System Context
/sys or /insys = in-system
/sw = Switched
/switch = Switched
Other/amh = At My Headmates
/nptf = Not Pushing To Front
/src = Source
PluralKit bot ( = Wrong Proxy
External Resources
Warning: These aren't listed in any particular order, these are just helpful communication tools like tone tags areInteraction Statuses - DNI, IWC, etc Hub - Systemhood introduction Tags - Introduction to tone tags, as well as how to use them